Advanced Configuration

In certain situations it is required to tweak some of our default values. This can be changed on a per grid basis.

This section will explain how to set those configuration and which ones exist.

Here below we discuss how to:

This can be applied to the following configuration settings:

Setting values

Open jsshell on any node that is part of the grid you want to configure, and type:

from CloudscalerLibcloud.utils.gridconfig import GridConfig
config = GridConfig()
config.set('<config key>', <config value>)

A config file can be any valid Python object structure (simple types + list and dict) that is serializable as JSON.

Getting values

Open jsshell on any node that is part of the grid you want to configure, and type:

from CloudscalerLibcloud.utils.gridconfig import GridConfig
config = gridconfig()
configvalue = config.get('<config key>')

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    No results matching ""