Configuration File Details

The configuration file is needed by the installer script to setup the OpenvCloud system.

An example system-config.yaml file can be found here.

For example the ssh key in the config is used to specify the key needed for authorization on each node in the cluster. This same info is used to add the key to the authorized keys on the machine.


This section is used by the Teleport application to configure the access to the application.

To access the Teleport application you need to have a github oauth application which is defined in the github section as follows:

    client_id: 3216584165816f5v
    client_secret: 3wa651wvefqeffefefsf6514651eswrfgw
    - team_name: support_beg84
      org_name: be-g8-4

To create a GitHub OAuth application follow the Creating an OAuth App documentation.

After creating the application you can get both the client_id and the client_secret from the application page.

Under the teams section it is possible to restrict the access to users belonging to a specific GitHub organization as well as specify a specific team that belongs to this organization.



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