Migaration Script Details


  • An installed Kubernetes cluster with ovc deployed docs for that are available here.
  • A target to migrate from.
  • ssh/0-access access to one of the controller nodes

Using the script

The script can be used for both backing up the data into a tar file and uploading that into a webdav server, but can also be used to download and load that tar file into the new enviroment.

The script(here) has the following flags:

--save: create backup and upload to webdav
--load: download backup from webdav and restore into system
--url : url to download/upload the backup to
--no-mongo: apply/donotapply action on Mongo database
--no-billing: apply/donotapply action on billing files
--date: date to restore from with format: month-day-year

saving the data

To save and upload the cluster data, on the old environment ovc_master docker run the command:

backup --save --url http://webdav-url/

This will create a snapshot of mongo and the billing files and add them to a file located at /tmp/backup.tar.gz and then will upload this file to the specified webdav.

loading the data

To download and load the cluster data, on one of the new environment controllers run the command:

backup --load --url http://webdav-url/  --date date-backup-made

This will download a the tar file from the webdav into /tmp/backup.tar.gz expand the tar file and move the billings to the appropriate place as well as load the mongo database using a Kubernetes job that will terminate once completed.

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