The KVM SAL helps to manage kvm elements

You can Access it as follows:


It consists of a group of classes to handle creation of virtual machines:


This is the controller that will be used by all other classes to manage objects on a given host.

It takes an executor as an argument and it uses it to connect to the host and uses the info of the host to establesh a qemu connection over ssh.

ex = j.tools.executor.getLocal()
co = j.sal.kvm.KVMController(ex)


This is the class for manipulating a virtual machine.

It takes the following arguments:

@param contrller object(j.sal.kvm.KVMController()): controller object to use.
@param name str: machine name
@param disks [object(j.sal.kvm.Disk())]: list of disk instances to be used with machine.
@param nics [object(j.sal.kvm.interface())]: instance of networks to be used with machine.
@param memory int: disk memory in Mb.
@param cpucount int: number of cpus to use.
@param cloud_init bool: option to use cloud_init passing creating and passing ssh_keys,
 user name and passwd to the image

It has the following methods:


Create and define the instanse of the machine xml onto libvirt.

@param username  str: set the username to be set in the machine on boot.
@param passwd str: set the passwd to be set in the machine on boot.


Undefeine machine in libvirt.


Start machine.


Shutdown machine.
@param force bool: option force stop a machine (defaults to False)

suspend == pause

Suspend machine, similar to hibernate.


Resume machine if suspended.


Return libvirt's xml string representation of the machine.


Create snapshot of the machine, both disk and ram when reverted will continue as if
    suspended on this state.

@param name str:   name of the snapshot.
@param descrition str: descitption of the snapshot.


List snapshots of the current machine, if libvirt is true libvirt objects will be returned
else the sal wrapper will be returned.

@param libvirt bool: option to return libvirt snapshot obj or the sal wrapper.


Revert to snapshot name.

@param name str: name of the snapshot to revert to.

It has the following class methods:


Instantiate a Machine object using the provided xml source and kvm controller object.

@param controller object(j.sal.kvm.KVMController): controller object to use.
@param source  str: xml string of machine.


Get machine by name passing the controller to search with.

@param controller object(j.sal.kvm.KVMController): controller object to use.
@param name str: name of the machine

It has the following properties:


Get the ip of the machine


Get a cuisine object to the machine (only if created using cloud_init=True)


Get a string representing the state of the machine

The available states are:



Get a the domain object represented by python libvirt module


This is a class that inherot from Machine to make creation of a machine easier. It has the same methods and properties in the Machine object.

It takes the following arguments:

@param contrller object(j.sal.kvm.KVMController()): controller object to use.
@param name str: machine name.
@param os str: os name to use.
@param disks int: no of disk names to be used with machine.
@param nics [str]: name of networks to be used with machine.
@param memory int: disk memory in Mb.
@param cpucount int: number of cpus to use.
@param cloud_init bool: option to use cloud_init passing creating and passing ssh_keys, user name and passwd to
the image


This is the class for manipulating a Virtual pool.

It takes the following arguments:

@param contrller object(j.sal.kvm.KVMController()): controller object to use.
@param name str: pool name

It has the following methods:


Create and define the instanse of the pool xml onto libvirt.


Return libvirt's xml string representation of the pool.


This is the class for manipulating a Virtual pool.

It takes the following arguments:

@param controller object: connection to libvirt controller.
@param name string: name of network.
@param bridge string: bridge name.
@param interfaces list: interfaces list.

It has the following methods:


Create and define the instanse of the network xml onto libvirt.

@param start bool: will start the network after creating it
@param autostart bool: will autostart Network on host boot
create and start network


Destroy and undefine the network.


Return libvirt's xml string representation of the network.

It has the following class methods:


Instantiate a Netowrk object using the provided xml source and kvm controller object.

@param controller object(j.sal.kvm.KVMController): controller object to use.
@param source  str: xml string of network.

It has the following properties:


Get a list of interfaces connected to the network


This is the class for manipulating a virtual interface.

It takes the following arguments:

@param controller object(j.sal.kvm.KVMController()): controller object to use.
@param name str: name of interface
@param mac str: mac address to be assigned to port
@param interface_rate int: qos interface rate to bound to in Kb
@param burst str: maximum allowed burst that can be reached in Kb/s

It has the following methods:


Return libvirt's xml string representation of the interface.


Limit the throughtput into an interface as a for of qos.

@interface str: name of interface to limit rate on
@qos int: rate to be limited to in Kb
@burst int: maximum allowed burst that can be reached in Kb/s

It has the following class methods:


Instantiate an Interface object using the provided xml source and kvm controller object.

@param controller object(j.sal.kvm.KVMController): controller object to use.
@param source  str: xml string of interface.

It has the following properties:


Get the ip that is assigned to the interface


This is the class for manipulating a virtual Disk.

It takes the following arguments:

@param controller object(j.sal.kvm.KVMController()): controller object to use.
@param pool str: name of the pool to add disk to.
@param name str: name of the disk.
@param size int: size of disk in Mb.
@param image_name  str: name of image to load on disk  if available.
@param disk_iops int: total throughput limit in bytes per second.

It has the following methods:


Create and define the instanse of the disk xml onto libvirt.


delete the instanse of the disk.


Return libvirt's xml string representation of the disk.

It has the following class methods:


Instantiate a Disk object using the provided xml source and kvm controller object.

@param controller object(j.sal.kvm.KVMController): controller object to use.
@param source  str: xml string of disk.

It has the following properties:


Get the ip that is assigned to the interface

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