Jumpscripts interface

A jumpscript must define one method action that takes data. Data can be any json serializable object. The action can return a json serializable object as well

Let's assume we have this jumpscript wich increments any given number by 1

from JumpScale import j

def action(data):
    # do stuff with the data
    j.logger.log('Received data is: %s' % data)

    result = data + 1
    return result

Then place this file under in


(create the test folder if needed)

test is the domain name in that case

Also note that after placing the folder under AgentController8/jumpscripts it can take up to a minute until the script is distributed to all agents as descriped per Scripts Distribution

use of std client


use client_advanced

Now to execute your script do the following in a js shell. Make sure you have latest AgentController8_client installed:

client =  j.clients.agentcontroller.get()

cmd = client.execute_jumpscript(1, 1, 'test', 'incrementer', data=10)

job = cmd.get_next_result()

#`job` should be like this:

{u'args': {u'domain': u'test',
  u'loglevels': [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 20, 21, 22, 23, 30],
  u'name': u'test',
  u'stats_interval': 60},
 u'cmd': u'jumpscript',
 u'data': u'12',
 u'gid': 1,
 u'id': u'ac556dca-ebf6-4494-90f9-4fea16eb9087',
 u'level': 20,
 u'nid': 1,
 u'starttime': 1442320129165,
 u'state': u'SUCCESS',
 u'time': 1058}

Note that, job.data is the json (level 20) serialized return of the JumpScript, to get it's value you can do:

data = j.data.serializer.json.loads(job.data)

results matching ""

    No results matching ""