Automate the Creation of 2 Virtual Machines in OpenvCloud


Following blueprint will:

  • Create a virtual machine
  • Inside the virtual machine: (see the Docker example for more details)

    • Create a Docker container with AYS called master
    • Create a Docker container with AYS called client
    • Install JumpScale in both Docker containers
    • Install JumpScale AgentController8 in master
    • Install JumpScale Agent8 in client
    • Do a test where a command gets executed on client from master & return works


  • All Docker based
  • Start from Ubuntu 15.04 or 14.04 64 bit, use jsdocker way of working (see docs)
  • Start from env arguments for ms1 passwd, rest in ays instance ovc_client
  • If password env arguments not filled in dynamically ask for it

TODO: complete

    g8.account: {g8.account}
    g8.url: {g8.url}
    g8.password: {g8.password}



    vdcfarm: main

    vdc: spacename
    ports: '80:80, 443:443, 18384:18384'
    sshkey: 'main
    os.image: 'Ubuntu 16.04 x64'

    node: vm

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