Writing a tool for j.tools
1- Switch to the tools directory:
cd jumpscale_core8/lib/JumpScale/tools
2- Create a package directory:
mkdir hello
3- Create the package files:
touch hello.py __init__.py
4- Edit hello.py You have to set an alias for you tool
from JumpScale import j
class HelloTool(object):
def __init__(self):
self.__jslocation__ = 'j.tools.hello'
def new(msg='Hello'):
return Hello(msg)
class Hello(object):
def __init__(self, msg):
def upper(self):
return self.msg.upper()
def lower(self):
return self.msg.lower()
def manytimes(self, n):
return (self.msg + " ")*n + "!!!"
5- You will need j.core.db.flushall()/j.core.db.flushdb()/j.application.reload()
to force it to reread the tools directory
6- Use it
In [4]: h=j.tools.hello
In [5]: h=j.tools.hello.new("Konnichwa")
In [6]: h.
h.lower h.manytimes h.msg h.upper
In [6]: h.upper()
In [7]: h.lower()
Out[7]: 'konnichwa'
In [8]: h.msg
Out[8]: 'Konnichwa'
In [9]: h.manytimes(3)
Out[9]: 'Konnichwa Konnichwa Konnichwa !!!'