AYS Template Repo

AYS actor template repositories contain all the metadata defining the lifecycle of a service, from pre-installation to monitoring.

An example is ays_jumpscale8, defining the full life cycle of all JumpScale services.

You can configure which AYS template repositories to use in a configuration file:

  • Edit the file /optvar/hrd/system/atyourservice.hrd
  • Add a new section for every metadata repository you want to add:
metadata.jumpscale             =

metadata.openvcloud        =
    branch: 'master',

All metadata repositories are cloned as subdirectories of /opt/code/$type/:

  • Repositories from GitHub are cloned into /opt/code/github

    • So https://github.com/Jumpscale/ays_jumpscale8 is cloned into /opt/code/github/jumpscale/ays_jumpscale8
  • Repositories from other Git systems are cloned into /opt/code/git/

Each AYS actor template has following files:

  • schema.hrd

    • Which is the schema for the service instance metadata file (instance.hrd) relevant for an instance of the service
    • Contains information about how services interact with each other through:

    • Has parameter definitions used to configure the service

    • Example:

      image = type:str default:'ubuntu'
      build = type:bool default:False
      build.url = type:str
      build.path = type:str default:''
      ports = type:str list
      sshkey = descr:'authorized sshkey' consume:sshkey:1:1 auto
      os = type:str parent:'os'
      docker = type:str consume:'app_docker':1 auto
      docker.local = type:bool default:False
  • actor.hrd (optional)

    • Containing information about recurring action methods, and action triggered by events.

    • Example:

      recurring.monitor =
          period: 30s,
          log: True,
      recurring.cleanup =
          period: 30s,
          log: False,
      event.telegram.install =
      event.telegram.update  =
  • actions.py defines the behavior of the service (optional)

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