
As per the [[Agent Configuration]] page, agent support extension. It already comes shipped with 2 extensions:

  • One that can talk to a local syncthing to dynamically add shared folders. Exposed as the sync command
  • The other extension is to execute legacy jumpscripts. Exposed as the legacy command.

@ys packages for both the agent and the agent controller already takes advantage of this by sharing 2 folders between the controller and all the agents. the legacy folder and jumpscripts folder. And they get setup during the installation.

  • the legacy folder is used to distribute the legacy jumpscripts.
  • the jumpscripts folder is used to distribute the new style jumpscripts.

This basically mean that to update the scripts on all the agents, you just need to change the scripts under the controller node and the update will be propagated to all agents.

To try this out:

ays install -n AgentController8
ays install -n AgentController8_client

ays install -n agent2

#then install the legacy scripts package
ays install -n legacy_js_core

To run the scripts, make sure you have the AgentController8_client installed

ays install -n AgentController8_client

then in a js shell do

legacy =

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