FS is short for filesystem. It helps you doing many filesystem-related operations.

Accessing it

You can access fs as follows:


We'll use it as fs for the rest of the document:

fs = j.sal.fs

Querying the system

You can query a lot of information about the system using helper functions like sFile, isAsciiFile, isBinaryFile, isDir, isEmptyDir, isMount, validateFilename, and statPath:

In [2]: fs.isAsciiFile("/etc/hosts")
Out[2]: True

In [3]: fs.isBinaryFile("/bin/ls")
Out[3]: True

In [4]: fs.isAsciiFile("/bin/ls")
Out[4]: False

In [5]: fs.isFile("/")
Out[5]: False

In [6]: fs.isDir("/")
Out[6]: True
In [11]: fs.isEmptyDir("/")
Out[11]: False
In [12]: !mkdir emptydir
In [13]: fs.isEmptyDir("emptydir")
Out[13]: True

In [18]: fs.isMount("/proc")
Out[18]: True
In [19]: fs.isMount("emptydir/")
Out[19]: False
In [20]: fs.validateFilename("dasdas")
Out[20]: True

In [21]: fs.validateFilename("dasdas$as")
Out[21]: True

In [22]: fs.validateFilename("dasdas$::as")
Out[22]: True

In [23]: fs.validateFilename("dasdas$::?as")
Out[23]: True

In [28]: fs.validateFilename("dasdas$::%^as\0")
Out[28]: False

In [29]: fs.validateFilename("dasdas$::%^as/1")
Out[29]: False
In [33]: fs.getcwd()
Out[33]: '/tmp'

In [34]: fs.fileSize("/bin/ls")
Out[34]: 126584

In [35]: fs.statPath("/bin/ls")
Out[35]: os.stat_result(st_mode=33261, st_ino=75, st_dev=43, st_nlink=1, st_uid=0, st_gid=0, st_size=126584, st_atime=1455802667, st_mtime=1455802667, st_ctime=1462283990)

Path Manipulation

You can do many path isAbsolute, exists, statPath, getBaseName, getDirName, getParent, getFileExtension, and joinPaths

In [36]: path = "/bin/ls"

In [37]: fs.exists(path)
Out[37]: True

In [38]: fs.getBaseName(path)
Out[38]: 'ls'

In [39]: fs.getParent

In [39]: fs.getParent(path)
Out[39]: '/bin'

In [40]: fs.getDirName(path)
Out[40]: '/bin/'

In [41]: fs.isAbsolute(path)
Out[41]: True
In [46]: fs.joinPaths("/bin", "ls")
Out[46]: '/bin/ls'

In [47]: path = "/home/nobody/script.py"
In [48]: fs.exists(path)
Out[48]: False
In [49]: fs.getFileExtension(path)
Out[49]: '.py'
In [8]: fs.getcwd()

Out[8]: '/'

In [9]: fs.changeDir("/tmp")
Out[9]: '/tmp'

Higher level directory and files manipulation

You can manipulate (create, update, read, delete) files and directories easily with j.sal.fs via many useful functions like fs.touch, fs.readFile, fs.writeFile, fs.md5sum, fs.copyFile, fs.moveFile, fs.list* , targzCompress, targzUncompress, gzip, gunzip, fs.removeIrreleventFiles, fs.remove, and fs.removeDirTree:

In [55]: mkdir testdir

In [56]: cd testdir/

In [57]: ls

In [58]: fs.touch("file1.txt")

In [59]: ls

In [61]: fs.writeFile?
Signature: fs.writeFile(filename, contents, append=False)
Open a file and write file contents, close file afterwards
@param contents: string (file contents to be written)
File:      /opt/jumpscaleBETA8FIX/lib/JumpScale/sal/fs/SystemFS.py
Type:      method

In [62]: fs.writeFile("file1.txt", "this is a content")

In [63]: fs.readFile("file1.txt")
Out[63]: 'this is a content'

In [67]: fs.writeFile("file1.txt", "this is more content", append=True) #append mode

In [68]: fs.readFile("file1.txt")
Out[68]: 'this is a contentthis is more content'
In [69]: fs.md5sum("file1.txt")
Out[69]: 'c1afffed024c925366de6d8c088fb4a9'

In [70]: fs.copyFile("file1.txt", "file1copy.txt")
In [71]: fs.md5sum("file1copy.txt")
Out[71]: 'c1afffed024c925366de6d8c088fb4a9'

In [72]: !ls
file1.txt  file1copy.txt

In [73]: fs.moveFile("file1copy.txt", "file1moved.txt")

In [74]: !ls
file1.txt  file1moved.txt

In [75]: fs.remove("file1moved.txt")

In [76]: !ls
In [82]: list(map(fs.touch, [
'f1', 'f2', 'f3', 'f4']))
Out[82]: [None, None, None, None]

In [83]: !ls
f1  f2    f3  f4    file1.txt

In [84]: fs.writeFile("f1", "hello f1")

In [85]: fs.writeFile("f2", "hello f2")

In [86]: fs.writeFile("f3", "hello f3")

In [89]: fs.listFilesAndDirsInDir(".")
Out[89]: ['./f4', './f1', './file1.txt', './f2', './f3']

In [90]: cd ..

In [92]: fs.targzCompress("testdir", "testdir.tar.gz")
In [93]: ls | grep testdir
In [94]: fs.targzUncompress("testdir.tar.gz", "extracteddir.tar.gz")
[Thu09 10:42] - ...umpScale/sal/process/SystemProcess.py:1318 - INFO     - exec:tar xzf 'testdir.tar.gz' -C 'extracteddir.tar.gz'
[Thu09 10:42] - ...umpScale/sal/process/SystemProcess.py:1364 - INFO     - system.process.execute [tar xzf 'testdir.tar.gz' -C 'extracteddir.tar.gz']

In [95]: ls extracteddir.tar.gz/
f1  f2  f3  f4  file1.txt

In [96]: fs.readFile("extracteddir.tar.gz/f1")
Out[96]: 'hello f1'

In [100]: fs.gzip("testdir/file1.txt", "gzipped.gzip")

In [101]: ls | grep .gzip

In [102]: fs.gunzip("gzipped.gzip", "unzipped")

In [103]: fs.readFile("unzipped")
Out[103]: 'this is a contentthis is more content'

In [113]: fs.listFilesInDir("tdirrenamed/")

In [5]: fs.removeIrrelevantFiles("/tmp/tdirrenamed/")
In [7]: fs.listFilesInDir("/tmp/tdirrenamed/")
Out[7]: ['/tmp/tdirrenamed/p3.py']
In [11]: fs.removeDirTree("extracteddir.tar.gz/") #removes everything recursively
In [13]: ls -al file1
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 20 Jun  9 09:26 file1

In [15]: fs.chmod("file1", 0o444)

In [16]: ls -al file1
-r--r--r-- 1 root root 20 Jun  9 09:26 file1

In [17]: fs.chmod("file1", 0o777)

In [18]: ls -al file1
-rwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20 Jun  9 09:26 file1*

results matching ""

    No results matching ""