Installing the JumpScale Docker Container
The JumpScale Docker container is available on Docker Hub: jumpscale/ubuntu1604_js_development.
First make sure you have a Docker machine (host) available, see the Docker documentation for help:
In order to list all available machines:
docker-machine ls
Connect your shell to one of the available Docker machines, for instance in order to connect to default (hosted locally on VirtualBox):
eval "$(docker-machine env default)"
Download the JumpScale Docker image:
docker pull jumpscale/ubuntu1604_js_development
Run a Docker container using the image, and start an interactive session:
docker run --rm -t -i --name=js jumpscale/ubuntu1604_js_development
In the Docker container let's test the JumpScale interactive shell:
export HOME=/root
An SSH server is installed in the Docker container, but you will have to remap port 22 to some other port on localhost, e.g. 2022.
Create a new one specifying the port mapping:
docker run --rm -i -t -p 2022:22 --name="js" jumpscale/ubuntu1604_js_development /sbin/my_init -- bash -l