
Agent comes integrated with hubble for port-forwarding and tunneling over web socket. And it works with no extra charges, or external dependencies.


controllers = []

The hubble section in the agent config file defines which controllers are allowed to forward 'hubbletunnel*' commands. An empty list means all controllers defined under the controllers section are allowed.

How to use

Imagine a setup that looks like the following

  • Controller
  • Agent with gid=1, nid=1
  • Agent with gid=1, nid=2

Fire a js shell and do the following:

client = j.clients.agentcontroller.get(password='rooter')
client.tunnel_open(1, 1, 2222, '1.2', '', 22)

This basically asks agent 1.1 to open a tunnel that listens on it's local node on port 2222, all received connections are gonna be tunneled to agent 1.2 to (which is agent 1.2 localhost)

You can list all active tunnels on an agent by doing this

tunnels = client.tunnel_list(1, 1)
print tunnels
[{u'gateway': u'1.2', u'ip': u'', u'local': 2222, u'remote': 22}]

Or close it like this:

client.tunnel_close(1, 1, 2222, '1.2', '', 22)

Tunnels can be only listed on the opener side. doing a client.tunnel_list(1, 2) will not return anything. Unless tunnels were opened on agent 1.2

Hubble supports dynamic port allocation, if local were set to 0 it will pick a free port automatically for you. In this case, to close the opened tunnel the tunnel_close must take the actually opened port number.

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