Getting Your Feet Wet

JumpScale has an extensive library of tools which help you tackle any problem cloud computing can throw at you. The links below show you some of the most common ways to use the JumpScale framework, whether it's from the command line, or through our wrapper of IPython (the interactive Python shell) called JShell.

  • Ways to Use JumpScale

    • JumpScale Interactive Shell
      JShell is the interactive Python shell with JumpScales j module and all its related submodules are preloaded.

    • JumpScale at the Command Line
      JumpScale provides many useful command line tools, tailored to work with the framework. The tools include wrappers around some of the services we use and other libs created by JumpScale.

  • JumpScale Core Components

    • System Abstraction Layers
      System Abstraction Layers or SALs as they are more commonly referred to, provide an Python abstraction layer to system tools. These SALs help streamline development, making it easier and much faster.

    • Cuisine
      Cuisine, based on the remote wrapper around Paramiko, a remote executor with useful commands. A JumpScale version was created adding much more abstraction, including service management, building and installation. Other useful commands were added to facilitate connecting at multiple level to remote machines.

    • AYS
      "At Your Service" or AYS, a service configuration and deployment tool built for cloud environments.

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