How to create a S3 server


Review the blueprint

Here's the blueprint:

  url: ''
  login: 'cockpit'
  password: 'cockpit12345'
  account: 'Account of Yves'

  g8client: 'cl'
  account: 'Account of Yves'
  location: 'uk-g8-1'


  size: 1000

  vdc: vdc4s3
  sshkey: main
    - 'disk1'
  hostprefix: 'mys3'
  key.access: 'access'
  key.secret: 'secret'

  - action: 'install'

Put blueprint in a JSON file

Let's first put the blueprint in JSON file:

vi s3server.json


{"name":"s3.yaml","content":"g8client__cl:\n  url: ''\n  login: 'cockpit'\n  password: 'cockpit12345'\n  account: 'Account of Yves'\n\nvdc__vdc4s3:\n  g8client: cl\n  account: 'Account of Yves'\n  location: 'uk-g8-1'\n\nsshkey__main:\n\ndisk.ovc__disk1:\n  size: 1000\n\ns3__s3server:\n  vdc: vdc4s3\n  sshkey: main\n  disk:\n    - 'disk1'\n  hostprefix: 'mys3'\n  key.access: 'access'\n  key.secret: 'secret'\n\nactions:\n  - action: 'install'"}

Create a new repository (optionally)

Create a new repository :

curl -X POST -H "Authorization: bearer $JWT$" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{"name":"yves01", "git_url":"[email protected]:yveskerwyn/cockpit_repo_yves.git"}' http://{address}:5000/ays/repository | python -m json.tool

Notice the pipe to python -m json.tool in order to display the returned JSON in a readable format.

Send the blueprint to the Cockpit

Sending the blueprint to the Cockpit using curl:

curl -X POST -H "Authorization: bearer $JWT$" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d @s3server.json | python -m json.tool

Execute the blueprint

Again using curl:

curl -X POST -H "Authorization: bearer $JWT$" http://{address}:5000/ays/repository/yves01/blueprint/s3.yaml | python -m json.tool

Create a run

Using curl:

curl -X POST -H "Authorization: bearer $JWT$" http://{address}:5000/ays/repository/yves01/aysrun | python -m json.tool

Check result

You can check the result in three ways:

All discussed below.

Check result via the Cockpit Portal

In the Cockpit go to Services and select the app service of the scalitity actor:

Notice the value for domain which you will need in the configuration of s3cmd here below.

This domain name is generated using ipdns, a stateless DNS server, see:

Check result via the JumpScale Shell

The same information can be retrieved using js, with the repository directory as current directory:

In [1]: repo = j.atyourservice.get()

In [2]: scalityapp = repo.serviceGet('scality', 'app')

In [3]:
Out[3]: <schema_f9020c5a81a2021c_capnp:Schema builder (os = "app", domain = "", storageData = "/data/data", storageMeta = "/data/meta", keyAccess = "access", keySecret = "secret")>

Check result via the Cockpit API

Here's how using curl:

curl -X GET -H "Authorization: bearer $JWT$" -H "Content-Type: application/json" http://{address}:5000/ays/repository/{repository-name}/service/s3/{actor-instance-name} | python -m json.tool

The JSON result will include all details, including the fqdn, keyAcces, and keySecret:

"enablehttps": false,
"fqdn": "",
"hostprefix": "mys3",
"image": "Ubuntu 16.04 x64",
"keyAccess": "access",
"keySecret": "secret",
"sshkey": "main",
"vdc": "vdc4s3"

Test using s3cmd

Now let's test the S3 server using s3cmd.

On your machine first thing to do is updating the content of ~/.s3cfg, basically replacing everything with:

access_key = accessKey1
secret_key = verySecretKey1

host_base =
host_bucket =

signature_v2 = True
use_https = False

Make sure you changed the values of host_base and host_bucket to the value you got for domain in the Cockpit or by executing js, as explained above.

Once done, you can use start creating a bucket with s3cmd mb and use s3cmd put and s3cmd get to test the S3 server:

s3cmd ls
s3cmd mb s3://yves01
vi test
s3cmd put test s3://yves01
s3cmd get s3://yves01/test test2
cat test2

results matching ""

    No results matching ""