What if FR or BUG spans more than 1 repo


  • A bug can in principle only be linked to 1 repo, its always linked to the code inside 1 repo.
  • In case the same bug has impact on 2 repo's, which is exceptionall then file 2 separate bugs & define what needs to be fixed in the relevant repo.
  • You can link to related bugs in the other repo if this seems to be useful.
  • Sometimes it can be that a bug really requires a feature request.

For FR (Feature request)

  • The high level FR can be put on e.g. home repo level. This is really more like defining your roadmap.

Customers wanna report a bug, how to do this?

  • If the customer (or someone from customer organization) is a contributor on the required repo, they can just file the bugs.
  • It the customer is more like an end customer being less involved we suggest to use a ticketing system. At Incubaid we have created some tools to be able to use our Github also as ticketing system but otherwise there are many of them. The support person in your organization can then create the bug report in the appropriate repo and link back from the ticketing system.

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